October 2012
Coyote Buttes South, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, AZ, USA
Canon 5D MkII & EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM, 1/15s f/8 ISO400 @32mm

Indeed it is. A weird land. A weird place. A magical country. A place with no respect for stereotypes. A place where rock dominates. Where rock is in charge. Where rock is king. And everything and everybody else bows in respect. No sense in challenging its supremacy, that is for sure. Take rivers, which do not create valleys nor carve canyons, but are exiled into slots, way out of sight. Take shrubs or trees, long ago out of favor in these parts, only allowed to grow here and there for variety. Or take mountains, put out of business by the cracks, folds, and anticlines with which rock creates the landscape. Or take oceans, dominators of these lands eons ago and culprits for the depositions of so much sand; little did they suspect that the sand grains would glue together into sandstone and then slowly rise from below forcing the waters to retreat.
Rivers, trees, mountains, oceans. Together they dominate the Earth. They are the major players. They cover the rock, hide it from view. They suffocate it. They crush it. They exploit it. That is the rule of the land, of most lands at least, but not here though. Because this is the land of rock. And rock has decided to show off. To teach those other folks a lesson. To launch a party. Hoodos, teepees, slots, cliffs, fins, needles, arches. Red, yellow, orange, white. Rock has wanted to outcompete its rivals. To outclass them. And this is the result. In my opinion nobody can deny its success.