Born in 1974 in Northern Spain, my first memories about the beauty of the natural landscapes are those of two or
three summer hiking trips with my grandfather, father, and little brother in the "Picos de Europa" (Peaks of Europe)
National Park a few hours from home,
where we walked the beautiful river gorges and stony mountain paths during the day and slept at night at
the little villages down in the valleys.
Moved to Madrid at age 18, where I got a Masters Degree in Aeronautical Engineering. In 2000 I moved to Seattle WA, where I was immediately surprised by the beautiful wilderness areas that surround the city on all sides and the recreational opportunities that they provide. During their first visit, my parents bought me a pair of hiking boots and my first SLR camera, which I used extensively during the numerous trips I made to the Cascade and Olympic mountains.
Back in Madrid by 2003, I've since made innumerable visits to the wild public lands of the Western United States
for photography, hiking, and backpacking,
with special emphasis on the spectacular canyon lands of the Colorado
Plateau, which represent a second home to me. My camera and hiking boots have also accompanied me on several
trips to Australia, the Eastern United States, the Canadian Rockies, Hawaii, Alaska, the Yukon, New Zealand,
Baja California, Patagonia, Costa Rica, Iceland, and Vietnam. In the
process, I've accumulated a large collection of first slides and then computer files, while having an ever growing
amount of photography, hiking, and camping gear. But above everything else, I've become thrilled at the peace,
beauty, and isolation that one experiences in our remaining wilderness areas, where the stress and problems of
daily life are left behind. And whenever possible, I try to capture those feelings and bring them back with me
by photographing them.